BC Grassroots Rugby Foundation 🇨🇦

The RUGBYCOFFEE Co. Limited is proud to partner with the
BC Grassroots Rugby Foundation as our official Canadian Charity Partner!
BC Grassroots was born in 2019 as an initiative to counteract the rising “pay to play” model that is involved with all organized sports. We felt that rugby was losing its accessibility. The simplicity of rugby is its true beauty, you need a rugby ball and maybe some cleats depending on the level of play.

Friendships made through rugby tend to last a life time. The seed that is grassroots was planted decades ago; our team is truly your team. From board to staff, our team is comprised of many Canadian rugby builders and contributors. We believe that this game builds character, resilience and good people.

"We are honored and look forward to continuing on our mission alongside RUGBYCOFFEE. The values of Corné & Thinus definitely align with that of BC GRF. Their commitment to the growth of youth rugby is inspiring and empowering. We are grateful and excited to enter into this partnership”
Clay Panga. CEO BC Grassroots Rugby Foundation

Learn more about the Foundation and the great work they doing, and how you can further support them by visiting their website


#BCGRF #schoolrugby #kidsrugby #bcgrassrootsrugby #summerrugby #bcsports